Okay, my first month of blogging and my “New Year Resolution” is officially a FAIL. I think about updating this every single day… does that count? I think my problem was that when I started a blog, I wasn’t sure what direction I wanted to go with it. I love the idea of having a fashion/daily outfit posts type of blog. I have been reading those types of blogs for a few months now. I love how the authors of those blogs really challenge themselves to remix and reuse things in their current wardrobes. I also love how thrifty they are! I have been inspired to go out and scour my local thrift stores now because of them. They have also inspired me to take new risks every morning when I get dressed for the day.
However, I’m afraid I’m not dedicated enough to actually keep up with taking photos of myself and posting them everyday. SO now my focus will just be on my life in general- interests, happenings, the puglet (see below), friends and boyfriend, and maaaaaaaybe even and outfit thrown in here or there. I think I can make an entry a day (or every other day) by discussing things I love.
Whew, with all of that said- Today’s topic is about my current obsession… all things LUSH! For those of you who don’t know what LUSH is, it is a company sells fresh, handmade, cosmetics. I first discovered LUSH from my good friend and college roommate, Ellen. A friend of hers worked in the Chicago store and sent Ellen all kinds of yummy smelling treats for the shower! Flash forward a few years to when I rediscovered LUSH online. I had never really used their products, but after I ordered a few bath bombs, I was hooked!
In order to keep from writing an entire book about my love for all things LUSH, I will probably extend this topic into multiple, smaller posts. Sort of product reviews, if you will! My next LUSH topic- SNOW FAIRY!

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