Here is a little peek into last weekend. It was my friend Sarah's birthday! So fun! Another friend hosted a party for Sarah at her amazing house. She has two full walls of chalkboard paint too, and let us go absolutely crazy writing all over her walls.

AND she had a whole bowl of fake mustaches. Here Tiffany and I are modeling our lovely staches.

AND there was an entire pallet of party poppers. There was also a DJ and an obsene amount of crape paper and helium balloons hanging from and clinging to (respectively) the ceiling. Let's just say none of the decorations lasted long... the balloons provided entertainment in the form of chipmunk voices and the crape paper became fantastic headbands, belts, suspenders... you name it.

Below are a few photos from a lower key moment on Saturday. I finally hung curtains in my apartment. I have huge patio doors that are amazing, because they let a ton of light in, but they were covered in HORRIBLY UGLY blinds. I love these curtains because they add a pop of color and are thin enough to let the sunlight pour in.

My new little plant, enjoying the afternoon sun. Let's hope I can keep him around! I am not known for having a green thumb...

And of course, I needed a photo of Olive enjoying the afternoon sunshine. Her favorite place in the whole apartment is laying in the sunshine on the floor. We call it her "tanning bed." When we open the curtains we say, "Okay, Olive, your tanning bed is open!" and she promptly lays down and starts panting/snorting in the sun. It's adorable.

Does anyone have big plans for this coming weekend? ALL of my best friends from college are coming into town for our friend Taylor's bachelorette party! I'm so excited!
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