Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Currently Coveting

Weather Update: It's supposed to be 55 degrees on Saturday! The news of this "warm" weather prompted me to do a little online browsing today. If only I had an unlimited budget... sigh.

Clockwise From Left-
Zip Line Top: $74.99- ModCloth
Aqua Sunglasses: $10.00- Urban Outfitters
Perfectly Persimmon Bag: $159.99- ModCloth
Nail Lacquer: 3 for $15.00- American Apparel
BDG Jean Leggings (or as my friend calls them, jeaggings): $38.00- Urban Outfitters
TOMS: $44.00-


  1. i'm SO so excited about this warm weather! i live in bloomington, so hopefully we'll both be getting some warm sunshine!

  2. Nice to meet a fellow born and raised Hoosier! Bloomington is my absolute favorite city in the state. Just read where you posted about Mother Bear's... and now all I can think about it pizza. haha :)

  3. I would wear all of these items. I would probably wear thmm all together too. Also, is jeaginngs pronounced Jeggings or G-gings? I definitely plan to use that term.

  4. I LOVE everything in this post, I got to get that polish!

  5. Such a perfect spring collection! I have been wanting noting more than to take a little shopping trip for spring....a few warm days always does this to me!
