Monday, March 1, 2010

Sick Day

Happy first day of March! As happy as I am that it's finally a "spring" month... I have been sick for almost a week now. I finally went to the doctor and I officially have a sinus infection. Gross! Hopefully my antibiotics kick in soon and I start feeling better, because these last few days have been terrible!

With that said, I only took outfit shots once last week, since I was sick Wednesday through today... and was definitely not feeling up to looking very cute!

Today I've been lounging in my sweats, armed with meds, orange juice, and chick flicks! Whoo! Tomorrow it's back to work and hopefully back to looking like I didn't just roll out of bed!

I really love the above photo. Olive was just sitting there, staring at my run back and forth from my camera to the chair. Ha! Have I mentioned that I really need a tripod and remote?

I picked up this poncho last weekend at Forver 21. It was on sale for $7.99! How could I say no? Plus when I showed up at the office one of my co-workers said, "Am I driving you to school, or are you going to ride your burro?" I cracked up! Anyone else out there watch Modern Family? It's my new favorite show, for sure. So I don't mind channeling Manny with this outfit!
Poncho: F21
Necklace: F21
High Waisted Black Jeans: H&M
Grey Booties: Payless


  1. Mally Boo! I love your hair like that. It looks great with your bangs! AND, you really rocked that poncho! Not at all what I was picturing!

  2. you look great!that poncho is so nice :)
